The system Expert Advice to accelerate all the methods of protection, besides the recommendations, will help us to have program completely utdated and our computer more than protected. Its interface is really simple and familiar. Introductory discounts of 50 are available for all versions except. The state of security appears above and it includes the four main characteristics like scan, downloads, parental control, and the access to other additional tools that it has in the inferior part of the screen. Kaspersky antivirus software packages are available for three, five, or 10 devices in one-, two-, and three-year subscriptions. The program has been designed for all users who want to have the computer protected, no matter teh experience they have in these kind of programs. This small con can be solved programming the scan of your computer when you are not working in it, This way, you will not feel the effects of it. Even when the scan that it offers is not one of the fastest and that it consumes a lot of resources, Kaspersky has a security system that executes all the time, so you can have your computer always protected. Its powerful technology to detect all the threats to our computer works even in computers that are already infected.

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2012 will protect you at any time, no matter if you are chatting, downloading programs or videos or if you only surf the net. Lucky for us, there are a lof of programs that will offer the security we need for our computers. Viruses, trojans and all kinds of malware are a constant threat to your computer and to protect yourself against them is not an easy task.